
Why the Light Source Affects Color

Color provides an emotional impact and is sometimes synonymous with a brand. Having the precise color match for your product is a quality that consumers will rely on and expect. However, different light sources can adjust the perceived color of polymers and resins, which you need to take into consideration when manufacturing and displaying your products. Molecular Structure The polymer’s molecular structure dictates how it processes light emissions. For example, crystalline resins have a semi-opaque look because of the mixture ...

Why Can Colors Vary Lot to Lot

A dye lot is a record taken during manufacturing ensuring the products received coloration in the same vat at the same time. Paint and dye manufacturers assign each lot a unique identification number and stamp it on the label before shipping. Slight differences in temperature, dyeing time, and other factors can result in different shades of the same color between different dye lots of otherwise identical production. Although elements of a dye lot number kept by internal business record keeping, ...